We (MR) had a chance to catch up with Man of Match Day 2, Peter Smith (PS), on Sunday morning.

MR: Looked like a nasty day even for a turf field. Did that change your tactics at all today?

PS: Yes it was a very nasty day the conditions made fast glowing rugby very difficult to play which made ball retention and defense that much more important the team did a great job of not over commuting on defense which in the end was the difference between winning and losing.

MR: With three wins in two weeks over JMU it feels like you guys are developing a mental edge over them, what do you think is separating you all right now?

Harry Masters nailed the kicks in the final against JMU, who are a very tough side to play against. They have two star players at fly half and wing who attract a lot of our attention on defense. This makes us work even harder to cover all the space and not let them punish us. The team did a great job to neutralize their attack. [MR note, we applaud Peter from commenting on having an edge, however the editor is noticing a pattern of victory]

MR: How are you all feeling heading into Match Day 3 on the 23rd?

PS: It’s nice to be able to get a month break before the next match day as a team we have a lot of bumps and bruises and it will be nice to rest and recover before we start the hard push in practice before we go for our third win on our home field

MR: Thanks Peter we look forward to Match Day 3 at UMW on March 23rd!