We (MR) caught up with head coach Tyler Stephens (TS) to ask him a few questions about an exciting tournament victory on Match Day 2

MR: In the Semi- final against ODU Joseph Callery went 90 meters of a stolen ball when ODU was threatening. Can you walk us through that pivotal play and it’s significance on your overall performance Match Day 2

TS: The play in which Callery made the 90m try was a game changer for us. ODU was driving in and on the 10m line when freshman Seamus Brennan made a tackle that knocked the ball loose. Once Seamus scooped the ball he created the hole with a few steps before offloading to Callery. That try gave us room to breathe and let us slow down our pace a bit. The cold was bitter and the rain was coming down even harder so anything to let us slow down on offense and keep a little clean ball retention was much needed.

MR: Mother’s is heading into week 3 (at home) on March 23rd with a two point lead over JMU. There are some stronger non conference teams such as Kutztown and Notre Dame in the field. How does the draw work and what are your expectations for week 3?

TS: As for our next tournament, my expectations are the same. We play at our highest level every practice and every game. The first tournament we won and went 4-1, this tournament we won and went 5-0. Each week we’ve set a new standard and my goal is to continue that.

[Editor’s Note: We’re waiting back on how the 7s seeding and pool play will work from the CCRC Commissioner]

[Update Below]

From the Commissioner

“It’s based on participation in past Chesapeake Sevens tournaments and recent results from those non-Conference participants.
Kutztown has participated in two previous Chesapeake tournaments and was the dominate Champion for both and will likely be the #1 seed for the 3/23 tournament. UMW’s recent success should mean they are #2 seed.
I will say that the field for the 3/23 tournament will by far be the most competitive tournament our Conference has held, with a 12th seed that would likely finish in the top 4 of any of our other tournaments. It will be an amazing day of highly competitive rugby.”

MR: “Scary” Harry Masters seems to be terrorizing on the seven’s pitch, how has he been able to maintain such a high level over the past two weeks? You’ve got a month off now, what does the boys schedule look like leading up to the 23rd?

TS: Harry Masters just doesn’t have any quit. We have very good depth to our 7s this season and during the matches Harry gets some time off to rest and then go back on if needed so that helps a lot. Peter Smith has really stepped up this season and helps to allow us to rotate Harry, Aidan, and Peter around as needed for rests.

We don’t have a month off … the guys have a week off for spring break, but they know to put work in that week as well. We will train this week before with less contact but the fitness level will be very high still. Soon as they’re back it’s grind time for 2 weeks until the tournament. At this point they know how I operate and what I expect. We work hard to perform well and they’re keen to take this season all the way which means no “off time”.

MR: Who will be the head coach (on the sideline) of the developmental 15’s on March 23rd? How is the preparation different for a split Match Day?

TS: For the 15s match on March 23rd against VCU, my forwards coach Ryan Iskowitz, will be stepping up and coaching our developmental team. The same goes for those guys as well, a new standard has been set and everyone is working to keep at it. 15s have been working HARD [Emphasis TS] all the past weeks and now it’s time to put all that work into action. The prep is much the same, my mindset is practice how you play. Every contact, every movement, every thing we do at practice on the 7s side and 15s side is designed to be game situational, and you practice like it is as well. Lets us get rid of lazy and bad habits now so when game time comes, its go time.